Every year our Christmas Hamper campaign takes several months of hard work from our wee team of heroes! Our young people lead the process of taking a product from design to delivery, gaining skills, qualifications and confidence along the way.

This is when the planning starts! Staff, volunteers and young people get together to start planning what will go into the hampers. We start with a collection of favorites such as Christmas Cake and Mince Pies and young people tell us what else should go in! At this point we also start to discuss branding, promotion and packaging. This year we also partnered with Bro Café, a social enterprise run by our friends at Broughton High School who make AMAZING Hot Chocolate Dippers, and Nairn who kindly donate their Oatcakes.

In October, we start testing recipes. Young people try different recipes to compare, choosing the best tasting and looking products to include. This year, we had two Chocolate Truffle sessions, to be 100% sure that they tasted great 😉. “Erin’s Biscoff Truffles” made the cut this year, alongside the infamous “Kimberley’s Brownies”! Once we know what contents make up the Hamper, we launch the campaign across social media and our website.

November is the month where we bake hundreds of Christmas Cakes and staff soak them in Brandy. Our friends at Bro Café dropped off their Dippers and we visited Nairn’s factory to collect the Oatcakes. Volunteers start to help us with extra baking at the Scran Café and we begin to think about delivering the Hampers.
December is a mad rush to get everything ready to be delivered by volunteers. Cakes need wrapping, Mince Pies boxing and labels sticking. Young people, staff and volunteers go above and beyond to ensure that every single Hamper is full of high quality and tasty goodies for your enjoyment! Finally, our hampers leave us and head off to our customers and we get ready to celebrate at our Christmas Party!